Weather Watch

Listed in reverse chronological order. TowpathGuy uses WeatherUnderground for its computer projections of the tropical storms as well as for local weather reports.

(9/12/08) -- Hurricane Ike has brought great damage and rainfall to Texas. It's path is now projected to go well north of NJ sometime on Tuesday. We might get some rain, but probably not enough to flood Blackwells Mills or Bound Brook.

(9/6/08) -- Tropical Storm Hanna is on the same path as the devastating Hurricane Floyd in 1999 -- see for Floyd's path. Hanna is moving faster so there should be less rain. Let's hope that turns out to be true. See the Queens Bridge page for links to the USGS flood gages and info about Hurricane Floyd's floods.

(9/5/08) -- Tracking predictions for Tropical Storm Hanna show it expected to arrive here tonight. The computer models show it passing directly over central NJ. Flash flood warnings are in effect so as and after the storm passes check Queens Bridge and Blackwells Mills Road pages for pointers to USGS flood gages and NOAA predicted river levels.

9/3/08 -- The computer models all show Tropical Storm Hanna passing over NJ on Saturday.

9/2/08 -- Hurricane Gustav has come ashore near New Orleans. Fortunately, without a major disaster (so far). The remnants of Gustav are projected to pass north of us, but Tropical Hannah is on a track that leads it over NJ this coming weekend.

8/28/08 -- Tropical Storm Gustav is heading into the Gulf of Mexico. Watch for weather in NJ and on the towpath in 7-10 days.